Fibrolief Fibromyalgia Treatment

Fibrolief No.1 Recommended Product for Fibromyalgia Treatment

fibroliefUntil Fibrolief was created there was no supplement that was able to cure fibromyalgia.  After years of research Fibrolief was made with natural ingredients which you can find below in this article to cure the problem of fibromyalgia.

 FDA Approved

Fibrolief is made in FDA approved facilities.  It is 100% complies with FDA manufacturing rules.  Fibrolief is 100% safe to use as its ingredients are pure and from natural sources only.


One Year Money Back Guarantee

Fibrolief is no cheat, it is dedicated to provide best cure to fibromyalgia. In case you are not satisfied with this supplement you can return it back to the vendor within a period of one year and get your money refund.  So nothing to lose!!!


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Fibrolief Ingredients

For Pain and Inflammation:


Boswellia AKBA (ApresFlex(C))

White Willow Bark Extract

Celery Seed Extract


For Energy:

Malic Acid/Malate


Rhodiola Rosea

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) A powerful Antioxidant


Mental Clarity Ingredients:

Bacopa Monnieri



Biological Function:


Vitamin D3

Benfotiamine (B1) | Methylcobalamin (B12) | Folic Acid

Stabilized R-Alpha Lipoic Acid


Black Pepper Bioperine



Where to Buy?

Please follow the Order signs here on this webpage to reach the order page of Fibrolief and start staying fibromyalgia free life today.



Fibromyalgia and its Treatment

There are other ways to combat fibromyalgia that do not involve the use of fibromyalgia medication. Listed below are some helpful forms of natural treatment and therapy that offer a wide array of benefits for fibromyalgia pain sufferers.

Get Plenty of Iron

It is a little known fact that several patients with fibromyalgia are iron deficient and/or anemic. Iron just so happens to play a role in the body’s production of dopamine.  Dark leafy greens, red meat and salmon are excellent sources of iron; so is tuna, eggs and liver.  Oatmeal, whole wheat bread and soy products are also good sources of iron.  Every fibromyalgia sufferer or anyone for that matter should have their iron levels checked at least once per year. No one should take an iron supplement by the way without the consent of his or her doctor. Too much iron can have equally bad effects on the human body.

Exercise at least 3 times per week

Exercise is one of the best fibromyalgia treatments for pain sufferers.  Exercise naturally raises serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain to help thwart off a major depressive disorder and feelings of being down. Also, it helps deliver fresh oxygen to the heart and brain more efficiently.  Exercising on a regular basis will give you added energy too.

Eat Omega-3′s

Research shows that Omega-3 fatty acids improve your overall cardiovascular system. They act as a natural blood thinner to promote better circulation to all areas of the body especially the brain.  They also lower cholesterol and blood pressure and reduce chronic pain and inflammation naturally.  The best sources of Omega-3 fatty acids are found in salmon, herring, sardines, halibut, mackerel, and tuna. Canola oil, flaxseed oil, and leafy green vegetables are also good sources of Omega-3 fatty acids.

Drink healthy water

Find water with a higher alkalinity like Fiji water for example.  Himalayan Crystal Salt is one of the purest forms of salt found anywhere on Earth.  It provides a wonderful source of trace amounts of potassium, calcium and magnesium.  It helps balance the pH levels inside your body as well as brain cells.  It has a ton of wonderful health benefits that all stem from having a higher pH throughout the body.  It is good to mix HCS in water in order to raise its pH level.


Have fun!

If you do something you like or even just anticipate doing something you really enjoy, studies show this alone can raise your levels of serotonin in the brain. Bottom line: Do something that makes you feel good. It will do your body a whole lot a good…more than you know!

Seek alternatives to anti-depressant medications

This is important because fibromyalgia drugs have so many drastic side effects to your heart, liver, kidneys, stomach, the list goes on and on. I think everyone who is depressed needs to get professional help. Talk to a psychiatrist, a counselor, a spouse, or at least a friend. Don’t be afraid to seek help!


Take a Vitamin D3 supplement and a calcium citrate supplement.

These are very important. Calcium, obviously, is very important because it helps build strong bones. Vitamin D is important because it delivers calcium to the bones. It is a good idea to have your levels of Vitamin D checked at least once per year. If your Vitamin D levels are low, then your body can’t use the calcium it gets from foods or supplements. The result is thinning bones, a weak musculature and most likely chronic pain. Please be sure to talk to your doctor before taking a Vitamin D supplement.


Adjust your sleep habits if necessary

One of the unfortunate challenges for many fibromyalgia sufferers is suffering from insomnia. It is so important for the brain to be exposed to natural light from the start of the day and throughout. If you work inside, it would be a good idea to get some sunlight exposure at least 3-4 times per day. It doesn’t have to be for very long but just enough to subside your body’s production of melatonin that makes you sleepy. Getting into this habit will set your body’s circadian rhythm (sleep cycle) correctly and help you combat fatigue. At night, you should try to avoid light as much as possible. This will help you sleep better and deeper throughout the night.

So you don’t have to rely on fibromyalgia medication if you are suffering right now.  There are a handful of natural treatment options out there that will be better for you both physically and financially.

Fibromyalgia Syndrome Consists Of Many Symptoms Some Of Which Are Neurologically Based!

Patients with Fibromyalgia Syndrome may experience chronic pain and stiffness in bones and muscles.  This is comparable to arthritis; however sufferers also report numerous other fibromyalgia symptoms such as extreme fatigue and depression raising the possibility that something much greater is to blame besides rapidly deteriorating joints or sagging muscles.

Researchers are taking a closer look at the brain’s role and in particular the Central Nervous System’s role in trying to determine any cause and effect relationship.  Some researchers believe that the brains of fibromyalgia sufferers might be suffering from a chemical imbalance.  This would explain the presence of extra symptoms such as fatigue and depression.  In other words, researchers think the brains of fibromyalgia sufferers might not be producing enough or the right amount of neurotransmitters namely endorphins, serotonin and dopamine.

For instance, one study looked at decreased levels of dopamine found in the brains of fibromyalgia sufferers compared to people without fibromyalgia.   Dopamine, a neurotransmitter, performs many functions in the brain related to motor function and cognition.  It also has a significant impact on the body’s sleep cycle, attention span and mood.  Recently, it has become known that dopamine also plays a role in how the brain processes pain.  Some researchers are proposing that decreased levels of dopamine in the brain may account as to why fibromyalgia sufferers experience so much pain, chronic fatigue, episodes of depression and even trouble sleeping.

One theory that seems to pervade the neurological landscape as to why the brain stops producing dopamine has to do with the amount of serotonin produced by the body.  Research suggests a positive and negative correlation between dopamine and serotonin.  For instance, as the levels of serotonin increase in the brain, so do the levels of dopamine.  Conversely, as the levels of serotonin in the brain decrease, so do the levels of dopamine.

Serotonin, in case you don’t know, is an important neurotransmitter in the brain that has a lot to do with overall mood.  Higher levels of serotonin in the brain usually reflect a much happier, spirited person.  Usually, people who are low in levels of serotonin become depressed or show signs of it.  People who are low in serotonin also seem to exhibit low levels of dopamine and subsequently show signs of depression and/or fatigue.

People with a severe form of fibromyalgia syndrome may require medical intervention.  To combat the disease, doctors have prescribed their patients fibromyalgia medication in the form of anti-depressants to help raise levels of certain neurotransmitters in the brain; however there are other effective methods for treating fibromyalgia which will be discussed next time.



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