Debates over supplementation with enzymes and antioxidants get frequent press as nutritionists and scientists work to discover the complexities of our bodies on a cellular level. Recent studies have shown that there are specific benefits to some of these substances, especially Coenzyme Q10 supplementation like VitaPulse which is ranked No.1 as a Co Q10 supplement. The many benefits of this dietary supplement include increased heart health, anti-aging benefits, and relief from other diseases that plague us, especially as we age. It is important to understand why this enzyme is important to us, which groups are at risk for deficiencies, and the recommended supplementation dosages.
Coenzyme Q10, also known as CoQ10, or by the scientific name of Ubiquinone, is a naturally occurring enzyme and antioxidant needed for energy in every cell of the body. This enzyme is used by the mitochondria of all human cells to produce adenosine triphosphate, otherwise known as ATP, which is the energy source for the cell. The cellular mitochondria play a key role in cell growth, cell death, and is implicated in the aging process. Without enough CoQ10, our cells languish just as we would without proper nutrition. The organs with the highest energy output are the liver, heart, and kidneys, so these vital organs will suffer the most if levels of CoQ10 are deficient.
Normal cells go through a process of oxidation as part of the life cycle of the cell. This degradation results in the release of free radicals, which can do harm to other cells in the body after their release. Antioxidants, such as CoQ10 work to reduce the amount of circulating free radicals caused by oxidation and many scientists believe that supplementation with antioxidants will slow this damaging aging cycle.
While the body naturally produces CoQ10, levels of production decrease when we are in our twenties. It is also found in many foods in varying quantities, but it is difficult to eat enough of these foods to reach the levels needed. Foods that contain the most of this substance include beef, pork or chicken livers or heart, and soybean, grapeseed, and some olive oils. It is estimated that most Americans get no more than 3 – 6 mg per day from their diet and the recommended supplemental dose of CoQ10 is between 30 mg and 120 mg per day.
There have been multiple studies measuring levels of Coenzyme Q10 in persons with coronary disease. The heart muscle requires large amounts of energy to beat more than 100,000 times every day and patients suffering from congestive heart failure have been found to have low levels of CoQ10. When given VitaPulse, they have a resulting improvement in heart function and an improvement in overall heart health. Similar type studies have been done showing improvement in patients with Parkinson’s Disease, Migraine headaches, and high blood pressure. Research is currently underway to determine if these enzyme supplements have a positive effect on cancer and cancer treatment side effects.
Since CoQ10 lowers blood sugar and blood pressure, supplements should not be taken without the advice of a physician if treated for Diabetes or high blood pressure. Since the enzyme is chemically similar to vitamin K, talk to the doctor before beginning supplementation if taking medications to prevent blood clotting. Also consult a physician if taking medications for depression or Parkinson’s disease, as there is some indication that CoQ10 can potentiate the effects of the medications that also work to increase dopamine in the brain.
The widely prescribed statin drugs used to lower cholesterol are known to decrease the levels of CoQ10 required for cellular functioning and overall health. Most of these drugs are being taken by older patients fearing the threat of cardiovascular damage and sroke related to atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. While it is optimal to reduce cholesterol levels, supplementation with Coenzyme Q10 should be undertaken to prevent additional cardiac complications.
Seven Simple Ways to Prevent Heart Disease
Did you know can have heart disease and not even know it? Every year millions of people who feel healthy and in control of their lives die of heart disease. It can be a totally silent diseae, meaning you have no symptoms but still have an
underlying diseased heart.. This is particularly true of diabetics, who may feel completely healthy up until the day they drop dead of a heart attack. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to protect your heart:
- Eat a balanced, low fat diet with lots of fruits and vegetables. Today we know that there are both good and bad fats. Good fats are heart healthy and include the monounsaturated fats found in nuts and olive oil. It’s okay to add moderate quantities of these oils to your diet. Bad fats include saturated fats found in animal products including meat and milk as well as certain oils such as palm and coconut oil. Bad fats should be limited to less than 7% of your daily caloric intake
- Get at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise each day. This can include walking at a fast pace, jogging, jumping rope, fast bicycling, or any other activity that causes a sustained increase in your heart rate. Not only will this protect your heart, you’ll look and feel better. An added bonus!
- Don’t smoke! Smoking is a leading cause of heart disease in this country. There Is no safe level of exposure to cigarette smoke. If you care about your heart, kick the habit once and for all.
- Lose excess weight. Being overweight is a known risk factor for heart disease and one over which you have control. If you’re over your ideal body weight, take steps to shed those excess pounds now.
- See your doctor regularly to control underlying risk factors of heart disease such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and elevated cholesterol levels. Find a Doctor who will help you create a plan for maintaining good heart health. Stop heart disease before it happens!
- Know your family history. If anyone in your immediate family had heart disease before the age of 70, you’ll want to be followed closely by your doctor since you may be at higher risk.
- Take Omega 3 fatty acids or fish oil capsules on a daily basis. These supplements have been shown to maintain healthy cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, and decrease your risk of an abnormal heart rhythm. If you don’t want to take a supplement, be sure to eat heart healthy
seafood at least twice a week. - Consume VitaPulse supplement on daily basis as it contains CoQ10 and PPQ which are very good for body energy and heart Health.
Now you know what steps you need to take to protect yourself from heart disease.. Make it a goal to incorporate these preventative activities into yourdaily life. Here’s to your healthy heart!
Healthy Eating Habits
In January, 2009 I made the decision to establish healthy eating habits as part of my lifestyle, and to do this I knew I needed to focus on eating healthy foods.
From past experience I knew I’m a great planner and researcher but…I’m not always so great with the implementation and follow through. I wanted a different result this time – I wanted to succeed!
In the past I had tried “dieting” and it worked for a while, maybe two or three days (that great follow through skill emerging) or perhaps it would work for a week or two – maybe three weeks at the very most. One of two things usually happened.
First, I’d get bored with what I was eating on my “diet” and go back to my old ways of eating too much junk food.
Second, I’d think I was hungry all the time because of all the foods I “couldn’t” eat and I’d become frustrated and go back to my old ways of eating too much junk food.
Since my primary focus this time was to establish permanent healthy eating habits, I knew I had to answer two questions.
My first question was, what would keep me motivated long term? I needed some type of a goal to work toward. I needed a goal to keep me focused – just in case I was not as strong as I wanted to be.
So, I decided that my motivation (in addition to wanting to establish healthy eating habits) would be working to look good for a trip we were planning to take to Santa Fe, NM in August. That August date was seven months away, and I figured that after eating healthy foods for seven months, healthy eating habits would have become part of my lifestyle.
My second question was, what was my plan? I needed a healthy eating plan I could stick with. I needed a customized plan that would work for me. I needed a healthy eating plan that would become part of my lifestyle.
So for my healthy eating plan, I set a series of goals to achieve by August, and I wrote the goals on a big calendar that I hung on a wall where I could see it every day. My core plan was to give up the junk foods I no longer wanted to eat – one food at a time – with several days in between each “food elimination”.
In order to not feel deprived though, I would identify an alternate healthy food that would become my “go to” food. This “go to” food would take the place of the eliminated food and I hoped this plan would keep me from sliding back into my old ways.
So I followed my plan (quite successfully) for about three weeks, and then my determination to stay on track got an unanticipated shot in the arm. My significant other, Lary, received the results of a checkup from his doctor.
His cholesterol was 245. His doctor told him he had three months to get his cholesterol down to an acceptable level, or she was going to put him on medication. So we both committed to get rid of our bad habits and learn to eat healthy.
And that is what we did. We learned how to read food packaging labels, we learned how to shop smart for groceries, and we learned how to prepare healthy meals.