Do You Want to Know How to Lift Your Buttocks?
For many women know as lifting the buttocks becomes a full – time task for truly want to increase the size of its tail to have a more harmonious and attractive body, since for various reasons its tail is quite flat today.
The “easy way” option is regularly recommended, but in the end it is just filling the pockets of the plastic surgeons who nowadays have offices everywhere.
But the reality is that you do not have to do this, besides being a very expensive surgery is very dangerous … Just check the thousands of news of women who can hardly sit down because of the infections and problems that the surgery produced, you You do not deserve this friend
If you really want to find out how to enlarge the buttocks response are in the natural methods that give you excellent results, as well as give you a raise tail permanent that goes with the silhouette of your body (no deformities that produce surgeries) Also improves your physical condition and health in general … It goes beyond the aesthetic!
Now pay close attention because they come below a series of tips that will change your life forever, giving back that increase both want naturally and before long, you will discover how to increase the buttocks naturally .
Tips to Get Rid of Buttocks?
If you really want to increase the size of your tail you need to know that you do your part and act with discipline different types of exercises to lift buttocks that can increase your muscle mass.
Let’s start with the exercises you need.
Pause Squats : This type of situps are ideal to tone and increase the size of the buttocks.
To do this you must put your back straight and with your hands behind the back of the neck, then standing up your legs (keeping your posture straight) so that you lower until you form a 90 degree Angle with your legs.
At this point stop and hold the Angle for 5 seconds, after this time lower a little more until you form an angle of about 60 degrees and return to the initial posture (standing).
At the beginning it is normal that it hurt so it only starts with three sets of 15 squats of this type.
Kick Back : Lie on the floor and takes the position of dog, and being with you kick your legs back slowly lifting his leg as you can. Once you reach the maximum returns to the initial position and repeat the exercise with the other leg.
To start you can do it with 3 sets of 30 repetitions.
Rising Pelvis : Lying on your back on the floor bend your legs a little to form an angle of about 60 degrees, made this supports your hands to floor and lift your pelvis as you can and drop back to its initial position smoothly.
How To Lift Your Buttocks Infallibly
In addition to the exercises you should also carry a specific diet and other practices that will accelerate the growth of the gluteus as you had not imagined. If you want everything about the natural buttock augmentation and have a big tail, toned and attractive as those of Brazilian women you need the Apex Booty Pop .