Safe sex, what precautions to consider?
When having sex it is important not only to take care of oneself, but also to take care of the couple. There are various considerations both in the physical and in the behavioral field that must be taken into account. Safe sex? We tell you!
Safe sex includes a series of precautions that should be considered when having sex. In this way, you will avoid contracting sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and passing them on to the other person.
Some of these pathologies that can be contracted by having unprotected sex are: syphilis, gonorrhea, genital warts, genital herpes, chlamydia, AIDS, hepatitis B and C.
These diseases are caused by fungi, viruses, bacteria or parasites, and spread through sexual contact with another infected person. In the case of AIDS and hepatitis B, it is also transmitted by infected needles and blood transfusion.
Some of these infections may present pain and affect the sexual and reproductive organs, or there may also be general discomforts. Others, however, do not show symptoms or even disappear, but that does not mean that the disease is cured and that proper medical treatment is not needed.
Safe sex: measures to prevent any STD:
To have safe and responsible sex, it is necessary to take some precautions that can make the difference before the possibility of contracting an STD:
Condom: this measure prevents contact with semen, vaginal fluids or blood, the main means by which infections are transmitted. Hence its importance, since it helps in large part to reduce the chances of infection. It must be remembered that even when using a condom, diseases can spread, but the risk is clearly reduced. It must be used from the beginning to the end of the sexual relationship and each time the person decides to have sex.
Communication with the couple: it is fundamental to talk with the couple before having sex, since this way you can know if the other person has an STD or if they inject drugs. This talk will allow you to know the background of the other person and know what to expect before sex.
Do not use drugs or alcohol: these two factors influence negatively when wanting to have safe sex, because the person is not in an appropriate state to coordinate their actions, for example, when using a condom correctly.
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Pregnancy: women who have an STD should take precautions and inform themselves before becoming pregnant, especially knowing the risks that the baby may have. For example, syphilis crosses the placenta and reaches the baby while it is in the womb. Gonorrhea, chlamydia, hepatitis B and genital herpes, are spread at birth, when the baby goes through the birth canal. AIDS can be transmitted through breastfeeding, also through the placenta and at the moment of labor.
The damage also influences the baby, since they can be born dead, with little weight, conjunctivitis, pneumonia, blood infection, neurological damage, blindness, deafness, acute hepatitis, meningitis, liver diseases.
Consult a doctor: before any evidence of an infection, it is recommended that the person go to a professional to guide him, so that in this way, he does not infect other individuals and take the necessary measures.
Perceive behaviors: if you notice that your partner has had a promiscuous attitude and does not try to use a condom, it would be important to insist that he use it, since in this way both protect themselves and stop a possible contagion.
Oral sex has been shown to be less risky than vaginal or anal sex, but it is not without dangers. It is also possible to contract other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as syphilis, herpes and gonorrhea, and through this practice; in addition to HIV in unprotected relationships.
The risk is greater if you or your partner have STDs for which they have not received treatment, if there is no good oral hygiene (bleeding or diseased gums, ulcers or oral herpes), or if the semen is received in the mouth.
Recommendations to reduce risks
- Visually check your partner’s genitals for injuries or cuts. If you find something, do not believe your partner if he tells you that it was caused by heat, weather or clothing. You should avoid any contact with the area until a doctor examines it.
- Do not use dental floss, do not brush your teeth or perform any activity that may cause abrasions or cuts in your mouth before practicing it. Instead, use a mouthwash or a peppermint pill.
- Avoid swallowing pre-ejaculatory fluid, semen or vaginal fluids.
- Use latex condoms to perform oral sex on a man (try flavored condoms that do not have lubricant). If you practice it without a condom, end it with your hand or spit it out and use a mouthwash instead of swallowing it.
- Use a mouth barrier (latex box, dental shield) to perform oral sex on a woman or to lick your partner’s anus (rimming). Failing that, it has been shown that plastic wrappers for food prevent the transmission of herpes, but there is no evidence that it can prevent the transmission of HIV.
- Avoid vaginal oral sex during menstruation to avoid contact with blood.
- Look for alternatives: Massage your partner, resort to caresses or mutual masturbation. You can also use a vibrator (use a condom if you share it).
- Avoid strong and prolonged oral sex (“deep throat”); as well as traumatisms in the mouth or throat caused by a large number of partners in a short period of time.
Remember that any type of sexual contact with a person involves risks, so the best way to avoid contagion is to maintain proper hygiene, the use of male or female condoms, as well as reliable and honest communication with your partner.